APN IT Experts Private Limited, Privacy Statement

Our Repair, Sales, and Service Policy:

  • All repairing will be done on the owners’ responsibility.
  • In no event, we will be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damages whatsoever arising from the use of parts or data or in connection with it. No warranty or risk will be taken for a dead condition device (Laptop/Desktop). If the device is received in dead condition, the chances of getting it on may depend on the device’s condition. During the repair of the (dead condition) device, if the device dead then there will be no compensation will be paid and the customer agrees to it.
  • By using our website, or continuing to use our services, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to Repair Policy, Privacy Policy, GDPR, Privacy, And Protection) Bill, 2017 Act – India. If you disagree with our policy, hereby we advise you to exit our website and you will not be allowed to continue with our services.
  • OTP (One Time Password): We authenticate the customer through a one-time password(OTP) sent to the registered mobile number. The customer has to share the OTP with the engineer once he reaches to customer’s location. Do not share OTP on call.
  • In-Warranty Products: We, the service provider, shall not be obliged to undertake the repair of the product/device under warranty. We hereby advise customers to get in touch with authorized service centres. We do not repair in-warranty products.
  • Brand Authorization: We do only paid services even if your product is under warranty and out of warranty. We are a premium repair, sell, and services company exclusively for IT products. However, we are not in any way affiliated with an authorized manufacturing company.

Important & Recommended:

  • Device Specification / Record of Spare Parts / Parts Removal: We, the service provider do not alter or remove any part of the device without customer notification/approval, however hereby we advise the customer to note down the device serial number wherever it is applicable. No question will be entertained under this matter and if any dispute arises then APN IT Experts’ decision will be held/considered final and the customer will agree to it.
  • Data Backup: The customer is solely responsible for any data in the device (hard disk). We neither access customer data nor take any backup (store) at our end. We STRICTLY take customer permission before accessing data upon sharing login credentials by the customer. The customer must back up the data before giving the device for repair. During the repair process, if data is lost, we will in no way be responsible for its recovery or NO compensation will be paid.
  • Data Recovery: Upon successful data recovery from a crashed hard disk, we delete the local copy/data from our computer in front of the customer. We do not take any responsibility for data leaks if the customer had provided a hard disk to another vendor before giving us data recovery. Customer must inform such details before submitting hard disk for recovery – No compensation liable to pay in such cases
  • Data Responsibility: All software and its related data in a device are the customer’s responsibility, The Customer must back up all the data before giving it for repair. Neither APN IT Experts nor its service partners are responsible for any of the customer’s confidential, banking-related, proprietary, or personal information contained in the device that the customer submitted for repair. Customers should remove all such information from the device before its return/submission. None of our engineers has the right to access customer data without permission.
  • Pickup for Repair at Store: If the device is picked up for further diagnosis, then the customer will be notified about the device pickup status via call. Also, the customer will receive a pickup receipt via hardcopy.
  • Pickup Receipt Verification: The customer will receive a pickup receipt when the device is handed over to the engineer for repairs, and the content/device specifications are to be verified by the customer. Any discrepancy should be brought to our attention within 6 hours of device pickup. Customers can notify via SMS/Call/WhatsApp.
  • Physical Verification (Internally): Physical verification (Internally) of the device will be only possible when it reaches our service centre. Customers understand that it is not possible to verify each and every part of the device at the time of pickup. It is the customer’s responsibility to disclose/inform all the physical damages, and problems the engineer at the time of pick-up of the device. No question will be entertained if a new problem is diagnosed or later informed by the customer.
  • Device Dead Confirmation: During diagnosis if we figure out that further changes/troubleshooting on the device may be dead to the device. In such cases, customer approval (written) will be taken. The customer has the right to cancel/continue/instruct further repair at his own risk. We will not way responsible for paying in case the device dead during the repair.
  • Attended By Another Vendor (Repair Store): It is the customer’s responsibility to disclose the device history. If the device was previously attended to by another vendor for repair then the customer should inform us in advance. We will not way responsible if the device receives missing parts.
  • At the time of rough estimate, if parts are suspected as defective and, in case during repair we find some other problems / additional then it will be treated as a new problem, we will inform the same of the customer, and then will be processed.
  • Basic Estimate Cost (Provisional): The estimated cost given at the time of acceptance of the device for repair is provisional and may vary at the time of detailed inspection. The final expected charges may be more than the initial estimate, the work will start only post approval of the estimate from the customer.
  • Estimate Approval: The final repair estimate/cost will be shared with the customer and it is the customer’s responsibility to confirm back via Phone/SMS/Whatsapp. Per our policy, work will not proceed until the customer approves the estimate. If negotiation stands in discussion then once the amount is finalized then no additional discount will be provided at the time of delivery and the customer has to pay the final negotiated amount. If the final estimate is not approved by the customer within 2 days, then the device will be returned after the pick-up and drop charges are paid. If estimate approval is delayed by the customer then We should not be held responsible for the delay in returning the device.
  • Delay in Repairing: We, the service provider, are not liable for any delays, non-performance, back-up of data, or non-delivery within 5 days due to unavailability of spares, the complexity of the problem, natural calamity, etc. However, we will keep the customer informed about the delay and the appropriate estimated date of return. The customer has the right to withdraw further service at any time.
  • Warranty: All repairs are under warranty for a minimum of 07-15 days (In some cases No warranty will be provided, based on the scope of the work). This means if the device develops the same problem within the warranty period for which it was repaired then we will repair the device again, FOC (Free Of Cost). This will be offered in two attempts. The warranty will be applicable from the date of Delivery or Invoice, whichever is later. No warranty will be applicable on cartridges (toner) or refilling.
  • Warranty Period: Hardware warranty will be applicable for 07 days to 2 years (wherever applicable). However, the warranty does not include Physical damage, liquid damage, Tampering, Accidental damage, Explosive damage, or Human misuse (Also warranty depends on manufacturer policy, term, and product type). We no way responsible for providing a replacement for customers if the manufacturer refuses a warranty under their terms.
  • Device Non-Repairable: We will put all our efforts into repairing your device however in any circumstances if your device is not repairable or we are unable to repair then the same will be returned to the customer and the applicable Visit/diagnosis charges will not be liable to pay. No dispute will be entertained. If the device is not repairable then Visit + diagnosis charges will not be applicable.
  • Non-returnable Spare Parts: Some of the defective parts replaced while undertaking the repairs will not be returned to the Customer. Examples: IC, Capacitors, Cables, Controllers, PCB, Damaged Screen, burned Motherboard, Hinges, Consumables, etc. If a customer needs such consumables then it should be intimated in advance.
  • Device Repair Verification: Our service provider mainly focuses on the issues reported by customers. We try our best to test the device with all the possible ways to verify its functionality including reported issues by customers. Hereby, we inform the customer to verify the device at the time of delivery and also verify and confirm the issue status for which the device was submitted. There would be no responsibility taken once the device has been handed over to the customer. No issues will be considered for missing Spare Parts or malfunctions. The customer should verify the device specification same as the pickup receipt.
  • Payment & Billing: The customer will be responsible for paying the billed amount to the engineer for the service offered. If the customer refuses or refuses to pay the service charges then the device will be held until the entire payment is made. The customer has to make the payment at the time of delivery. The delivery executive has the right to refuse the payment if it is not made in full. The customer has to make a payment in the requested method by the delivery person. The customer should verify the available payment options.
  • Cheque Payment: The customer can make the payment by Cheque mode in the company’s favour or Vendor’s. However, if the Cheque bounces then the Customer has to pay the bouncing charges of Rs.250+ GST the next payment should be made either electronically or in cash method. No further payment will be accepted through Cheque.
  • Original Pickup Receipt Produce: The customer has to produce the original pickup receipt at the time of delivery. We, the service provider, reserve the ‘Right to Refuse Delivery’ upon non-produce of the pickup receipt.
  • Invoice: The customer will receive an electronically generated invoice (PDF) to the registered email address. Warranty details will be mentioned in the Invoice. Hardcopy will be provided based on request only.
  • GST-Compliant Invoice: We follow strict guidelines for GST / taxes. The customer will be charged including GST. Corporate customers should share their GST number in advance before closing the request to receive invoices in GST compliance.
  • Replacement Wait Time: Under warranty replacement for compatible or dealer warranty product/spare parts may require 5-8 business days.
  • Authorized Service Centre Warranty: It is the customer’s responsibility to seek for product/device warranty from the manufacturer (Authorized Service Centre) whenever it is applicable. We should not be held responsible if the authorized service centre refuses the warranty. We advise customers to read the manufacturer’s terms and conditions carefully.
  • Extended warranty period (90 Days): In some cases, where the repaired device requires additional time for testing at the customer’s end, for that repaired device warranty assistance is valid for calendar 90 days. The extended warranty period (Free Of Cost) will be communicated with the customer at the time of delivery and conditions will be applicable as per the device repaired type. Also, some will be mentioned on the invoice. No oral communication will be considered.
  • Multiple Delivery Attempt & Delivery Charges: If, for some reason, Our executive has attended to the customer for delivery of the device on the appointed time however due to customer unavailability engineer returned, then the customer can re-schedule a new appointment for drop/delivery. However, additional drop charges of Rs 100 will be applicable per re-schedule or as committed by the support team or service partners.
  • Misbehavior with Engineer / at Store / with Vendor / with Partner: The customer understands and agrees that any physical/misbehaviour/abusive wording with an engineer at the service location will attract legal charges and any dispute will be handled.
  • Correct Information Disclose By Customer: The customer understands and agrees that the information filled in here is correct and up to date as per the customer’s understanding. 
  • Our Disclosure of Your Data and Other Information: APN IT Experts Computing Services is not in the business of selling customer information. We consider this information to be a vital part of our relationship with customers.
  • Cookie Policy: This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) describes what cookies are and how the website Operator (“Website Operator”, “we”, “us” or “our”) uses them on the apnitexperts.com website and any of its products or services (collectively, “Website” or “Services”). You should read this Policy so you can understand what type of cookies we use, the information we collect using cookies, and how that information is used. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this Policy, you are not authorized to use or access the Website and its Services. 
  • Please also feel free to contact us if you have any questions about apnitexperts.com Repair Policy, cookies, or the information practices of the Services. You may contact us as follows: info@apnitexperts.com.

Last Policy Updated Date: 20-April-2023